Textbook of Disorders and Injuries of the Musculoskeletal System: An Introduction to Orthopaedics, Fractures and Joint Injuries, Rheumatology, Metabolic Bone Disease and Rehabilitation, 3e | Physical Therapy | Health Library
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Textbook of Disorders and Injuries of the Musculoskeletal System: An Introduction to Orthopaedics, Fractures and Joint Injuries, Rheumatology, Metabolic Bone Disease and Rehabilitation, 3e
Robert Bruce Salter
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AMA Citation
Salter RB. Textbook of Disorders and Injuries of the Musculoskeletal System: An Introduction to Orthopaedics, Fractures and Joint Injuries, Rheumatology, Metabolic Bone Disease and Rehabilitation. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1999. Accessed January 19, 2025. https://pt.lwwhealthlibrary.com/book.aspx?bookid=1064&sectionid=0

APA Citation
Salter, R. B. (1999). Textbook of disorders and injuries of the musculoskeletal system: an introduction to orthopaedics, fractures and joint injuries, rheumatology, metabolic bone disease and rehabilitation. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. https://pt.lwwhealthlibrary.com/book.aspx?bookid=1064&sectionid=0

MLA Citation
Salter, Robert Bruce. Textbook of Disorders and Injuries of the Musculoskeletal System: An Introduction to Orthopaedics, Fractures and Joint Injuries, Rheumatology, Metabolic Bone Disease and Rehabilitation Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1999. https://pt.lwwhealthlibrary.com/book.aspx?bookid=1064&sectionid=0

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